Intensive Conditioner Bar

An effective detangling and smoothing conditioner. It makes hair easier to comb, reduces static, and prevents hair from splitting and drying out. It does not weigh hair down. Suitable for all hair types, including colored hair.

Detangles and makes hair shiny and vibrant Reduces hair static and smooths hair Suitable for all hair types, including fine hair!
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Sale price24,00€ Regular price30,00€
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Free shipping on orders over 100€ or 150€ depeding on country Manufactured with in Riihimäki
Lowest price in the last 30 days: 15,00€

Why should you choose a conditioner bar?

Detangles, smooths, and makes hair shiny and vibrant Reduces static electricity Prevents split ends and dryness Does not weigh down or make hair heavy Suitable for all hair types Genuinely natural, vegan formula without silicones or environmentally harmful ingredients Very economical, so it becomes cost-effective in use Convenient to carry - Lightweight and also handy for air travel Ecological choice - Economical and biodegradable formula, no plastic waste

Why should you choose a conditioner bar?

Detangles, smooths, and makes hair shiny and vibrant Reduces static electricity Prevents split ends and dryness Does not weigh down or make hair heavy Suitable for all hair types Genuinely natural, vegan formula without silicones or environmentally harmful ingredients Very economical, so it becomes cost-effective in use Convenient to carry - Lightweight and also handy for air travel Ecological choice - Economical and biodegradable formula, no plastic waste

The benefits of a conditioner bar for your hair

Smooths, makes combing easier, and reduces static electricity Prevents hair from splitting and drying out Does not weigh down or make hair heavy Silicone-free, quat-free, and water-free formula treats hair completely naturally Very economical formula, one piece equals about three bottles of conditioner in use!

The benefits of a conditioner bar for your hair

Smooths, makes combing easier, and reduces static electricity Prevents hair from splitting and drying out Does not weigh down or make hair heavy Silicone-free, quat-free, and water-free formula treats hair completely naturally Very economical formula, one piece equals about three bottles of conditioner in use!

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Emanuela S.S.
Intensive Conditioner Bar

Ottimi prodotti e ho apprezzato il gentile messaggio di ringraziamento per aver scelto i vostri prodotti. Sono soddisfatta :)

Iloinen yllätys

Paras palahoitoaine jota olen kokeillut! Alkuun tuntuu, että ei mitään ei tapahdu, mutta huuhtelun ja kuivatuksen jälkeen hiukset ovat ihanan pehmeät ja kosteutetut.


Käytän Flown hiushuuhdetta ja levitän tätä hoitoainepalaa latvoille, hiuksista tulee ihanan pehmeät. Todella hyvä yhdistelmä ❤️

Satu K.
Pettymys, jättää tahmaiseksi

Ainakaan minun paksuille ja jäykille hiuksilleni ei sopinut yhtään, vaikka toisen kotimaisen merkin hoitoainepala on sopinut tosi hyvin. Pesin Flow cosmeticsin shampoopalalla ja sitten käytin tätä hoitoainepalaa. Hiukset jäivät tahmaisen, raskaan ja likaisen oloisiksi.

Ikävä kuulla, että hoitoainepala on jättänyt hiukset epämukavan tuntuisiksi.

Kokeilitko huuhdella hoitoainepalan pois hiuksesta lämpimällä vedellä?

Jos haluat vielä kokeilla nestemäisempää koostumusta, niin paksuille hiuksille suosittelen meidän Coconut Milk -hiusnaamiota. Se syväkosteuttaa ja pehmentää kuivaa ja karheaa hiusta. Tämä on koostumukseltaan kermainen ja on helposti poishuuhdeltavissa.


Vasta muutama käyttökerta,mutta tekee takkutukan yllättävän sileäksi.

If you have any other questions about the product or its use, feel free to contact us!