Sensitive Skin Favorites

Any skin types can be sensitive and easy to react. Simplicity is central to treating sensitive skin! Sensitive skin reacts easily if there are too many products and exposure to different chemicals or ingredients. Favors minimalist skin care routines. Check out all the favorites of sensitive skin!


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Rhassoul & Salt -tuoksuton saippua hiuksille ja vartalolle. Suunniteltu erityisesti herkälle iholle sekä hellävaraiseksi pesutuotteeksi erilaisiin iho-ongelmiin.
Rhassoul & Salt Hair and Body Soap Sale price15,20€ Regular price19,00€
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Chamomile & Probiotics – Cosmos Organic Certified Probiotic Chamomile Water for Problematic Skin Chamomile & Probiotics -probioottinen luomu kamomillavesi ongelmalliselle iholle
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Hyaluron & Probiotics Serum deeply moisturizing hyaluronic acid serum
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Rosehip Intensive Treatment Oil – treatment oil for sensitive and challenging skin